Transparency Hotline

Our conservation area is growing

The constant care and conservation of natural resources is one of our premises that allows us to generate sustainable development in our areas of influence. Thanks to this, our wetlands have been naturally rehabilitated by expanding the water recharge areas, so we have decided to remove 1,855 avocado trees from our crop, which correspond to 3.28 hectares, expanding the wetland areas to 23.6 hectares in total, which means a growth of 16%, complementing the areas destined to the preservation of the environment and biodiversity.

Wetlands bring great benefit to the environment because:

  • They supply and purify fresh water.
  • They provide space for biodiversity. They support large concentrations of birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, among others.
  • They control floods. Minimize the impact of adverse atmospheric phenomena.
  • They help mitigate climate change.
  • They act as sponges, storing and slowly releasing rainwater.
  • They are a vital means of carbon storage.

This is how we demonstrate our respect for the environment. We are Sustainable Wakate Hass.



You are very important to us, if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us.

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